The 11th FFN Global Congress in Oslo was an inspiring event that brought together 600 health professionals from 46 countries to share their expertise in the management of fragility fractures! Our 2023 Congress was a unique scientific experience with innovative presentations and workshops about acute care, rehabilitation and secondary prevention.
Lire l'actualité«come together–worktogether» - STCC Lausanne, 26 June 2024. Interdisciplinary half-day session,
followed by the congress opening and exchange at the welcome apero.
Le jeudi 05.09.2024 aura lieu le "6th Swiss Orthogeriatrics Day (OGD) " à Lucerne. Le Dr Björn-Christian Link, PD, et le Dr Fabian Studer, PD, ont préparé pour vous un programme passionnant sur le thème du parcours du patient. Vous trouverez les détails ici à partir du 18 mars 2024...
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